Enjoy the benefits of being an iLuvQuran Agent. Contact us for more information.

How to use your Agent Dashboard

Agent Dashboard

Welcome to the iLuvQuran Agent family! Here’s to your new amazing adventure! We at iLuvQuran believe that Quranic Education should be a positive wholesome experience.

Now let’s start exploring your Agent Dashboard. Be sure to log in first at https://iluvquran.com/shop/agent-registration/

iLuvQuran Agent

You are now viewing the Agent Dashboard. On the left side you will be able to see menus consisting of all the information you need as an iLuvQuran Agent.

iLuvQUran Agent

First things first, click Affiliate URLs on the left menu and simply copy your Referral URL. You can start selling by sharing your agent url to your audience.

You can also sell a specific product from iLuvQuran catalogue page at https://iluvquran.com/shop/catalogue/

As you’re viewing the single product page, copy the link of the product from the url bar.

  1. Paste the link at the Page URL section
  2. A new referral link will be generated. Copy the link and use it in your copywriting. Alhamdulillah, that’s it!
  3. Now start sending the links to your family and friends and start earning!
iLuvQuran Agent

Here’s an example of an iLuvQuran Agent’s promo method using the generated agent link.

We have also provided posters for agents to use to promote the items from the website. From the Agent Dashboard, click the Creatives menu and choose from any posters available.

That’s it! You can start selling and while earning an abundance of knowledge via iLuvQuran’s products and services.

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